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Seeing Spots (a.k.a. I may need an intervention...)

Thursday, September 6

It's no secret that I'm a fan of leopard. My friend's husband made a comment recently about how my kids are basically going to look like animal cubs due to my obsession with animal print. In fact, just yesterday morning, my best friend texted me a photo her wearing of the leopard ribbon I wrapped around her birthday gift as a belt (which looked awesome, obvi). Doesn't matter what it is, if it comes in leopard print, chances are, that's the one I'll buy. Of course, I'm talking about classy leopard print (I'm pretty sure some of you will think that's an oxymoron), not the tacky ugly version of leopard. And DEFINITELY not a coloured leopard print. That will NEVER be classy. But a well-done leopard print can often function as a neutral. I have leopard print rain boots, flats, and heels. A leopard print iPhone case. A leopard print scarf. And I often don the leopard print version of the nails from this post. I wrap gifts in leopard print ribbon. When I was in Vancouver, I almost bought the leopard print skinnies pictured below, until my best friend talked me out of it via text-message shopping-consult. (I'm still not sure if I forgive you, TB). Suffice to say, I love leopard.
Sigh. Aren't they beautiful?
So when my favourite leopard print flats (from the Nine West Outlet for *maybe* $26, several years ago) started to bald, I knew I needed a new pair. With the popularity of slipper/loafer style shoes, I thought maybe I could jump on that trend with my next set of leopard flats. (How many times can I say the word 'leopard' in one post?)
These are also Nine West. Available here, if you think you can pull them off...
I found two sets of leopard smoking slippers at the Nine West Outlet and eventually decided on the pair on the left.
Also, they made me look like I had cankles.
But no matter how I tried, I couldn't seem to make them look cool on me. Some people can totally pull them off (Megan, for one.) Although I didn't think to take any other photos of me wearing them, I can assure you that I am not cool enough to look like anything other than I forgot to put on regular shoes. So sadly, I returned the slippers and began my hunt again.

I spotted these beauties at Steve Madden (available here) when I was shopping in Detroit but didn't buy them because I hadn't yet returned the slippers/loafers to Nine West. A decision I majorly regretted because I couldn't stop thinking about these flats! I love a good pointed toe flat and these also have a cute little band of black leather at the heel.

Sooo... when I finally got to Toronto to visit my besties at the end of August, we made a trip into Steve Madden and at last - THEY'RE MINE! My search for leopard flats is complete.
These babies are going to get so much use.

Moral of the story: I'm not cool enough to wear slippers as real shoes. Also, I wear entirely too much leopard. (True Story: I once went on a date wearing not only leopard print shoes, but also a leopard print scarf AND leopard print nails. I didn't even realize until my date said, "Uh... so you really like leopard, huh?" Ooops...)


  1. Dang! I kind of like the colored leopard print ...

    1. Haha After spying your adorable house (that green door! brick in the bathroom!), I can only infer that you have impeccable taste otherwise; so I'll let the colored leopard print slide ;)

  2. I love finding stylish pieces with animal print.


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