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The Best in Braids

Tuesday, April 16

I'm a braid girl. I used to have super long hair and I was always looking for new ways to braid it. Sadly, my hair is a bit too short these days for some of my favourite braids. I had to chop most of it off last summer following an unfortunate colouring incident that resulted in severely damaged tips. I'm eagerly anticipating the return of long locks so I can give a few of these a whirl. In the meantime, I thought I would share a few fun braid tutorials I've found:

The 5-strand braid.

The end.


  1. That 5 strand braid looks so cool!

    1. It used to be one of my favourites! The first few attempts were a little clumsy but once you get the hang of holding all 5 pieces at once, it's super easy! You should definitely try it - your hair is the perfect length!

  2. I love all of these braids! I wish I was better at doing braids on my hair because they are so pretty! Have a great day xo

    1. You just need to practice! I find the more I braid, the easier it gets and the better they look! Thanks for stopping by, Lauren :)

  3. I seem to only braid my hair in the summer, but I would definitely wear all of these!

    1. I've never really thought about it - but I think I totally do too! Braids are perfect for a day at the beach :)


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