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Work It Wear

Tuesday, August 20

I'm trying to get back into running. So far, so good - but I always find it motivating to have something new and fun to wear while working out. Of course, this technique is only effective if your workout gear only gets worn when you're actually working out.  It needs to be a treat. No lulus to the grocery store!

Here are a few of my favourite finds:
Work It Wear

Click on the image for sources.


  1. Yay for getting back into running! I like to get a new piece or two to bribe myself into training, too.

  2. (Sorry for the serial comments; I just discovered your blog today :P)

    The bribery only works if it actually motivates you to become more active haha. I'm coming off of a two month running hiatus due to injury. I ran the Bluenose half marathon in May, and really want to get back into running. If you're ever looking for a running partner, keep my posted - I could use the motivation!

    1. That's so awesome that you ran the Bluenose Half! Super impressive, lady. I spectated the Bluenose and was super inspired to start running again. I haven't really run since high school! I'm aiming for the 5k next year, but may try to push myself to the 10k ;)

    2. That was what sort of what happened with me...honestly, since they've changed the course a couple of years ago...I would almost recommend the 10 just to avoid citadel hill at the end of the 5. Nantucket (on the 10 route) sucks, but not nearly as much :P


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