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Operation Office: Chalkboard Wall

Wednesday, January 22

Operation Office is OFFICIALLY underway. Check it out, guys:
That’s right. It’s a chalkboard wall. I still need to give it a few days to cure before conditioning it (which is basically rubbing the side of a piece of chalk over the ENTIRE wall. So that will be fun…) but then it’s a free-for-all with the chalkboard wall ;)
The whole wall took two full coats and a few touchups, which used the full can of Rust-oleum paint. I did a little research online prior to getting started and Rust-oleum seemed to have the best reviews. I picked it up at Home Depot for around $30.

And now onto the next project! I think we're going to paint the other walls next. I'm thinking a light whitish grey but we shall see!

Other posts about Operation Office:
-          The Plan
-          The Bookcase (Phase 1)
-          Choosing the Rug


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