Oh, hi reader! I wanted to give you a heads up that GGSS is going to undergo a teensy little transformation soon. It's possible you've noticed that for over a year, I've been posting 5 days a week. That's a lot of work. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely 100% completely totally head-over-heels love it. This blog started as a creative outlet and escape from my grad school life but has evolved into one of my favourite parts of the day. I seriously get so much fulfillment from this little corner of the internet and the feedback I get from all of you. But I also have a full-time (paying) job. And a boyfriend. And a family. And a social life. AND a burgeoning design career. And life over here has been pretty awesome of late. Several new and exciting ventures have popped up and to be honest - there just isn't enough time in the day to do it all. (Who knew?!) So, I've decided to cut back a little. Instead of posting 5 days a week, I've decided to post only when I have something awesome and new and exciting to share. That means that one week, I may post 4 times and the next week only once. I promise I won't disappear though! I'm not going anywhere - I'm just going to ensure that the content I do share is the rich, real-life stuff. I may still pop in with a new favourite artist, a recap of some fun life event, or a mood board when the mood strikes - but most of my posts will be projects and home decor and real original photographical pin-able content. No half-assed posts here. Pinky swear.
So that's my little update! I apologize if you tuned in for something design-related and totally don't care about this change. I get it - but I know that there are a few people who expect daily posts and I didn't want anyone to worry! Things are good. SO so good. Thanks for being here through it all! xo