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Another Gallery Wall Up in Here

Thursday, July 31

Check it out, amigos. Another gallery wall: done!

I can probably say my fear of hanging things on walls has been conquered now, right?

The gallery wall (and room in general, obviously) is still a work in progress. I plan to add more pieces as we find things we like (or I like... this is definitely the home of our more feminine art, haha). But progress is being made, which makes me so happy. This room has been full-on ignored since I moved in and there's still tons I'd like (and need) to do. If you're interested, you can check out some of my ideas here.

Apologies for the photo quality. This room gets NO light, which is great for sleeping and terrible for photo taking. Hopefully, the lighting sitch (and terrible window sitch) will be adequately addressed with the plans I've schemed up.

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